A Trust is more manageable
A Trust is more private
A Trust has better rules
A Trust can operate with less court activity
A Trust is safer
A Trust is more transferable
A Trust is more flexible
A Trust can be set up instantly
A Trust is legal in all jurisdictions without permission
A Trust is usually not required to be registered
A Trust does not require renewal fees annually
A Trust does not have to disclose directors
A Trust can change management easily
A Trust continues after death or incapacity
A Trust may not have to file tax returns
A Trust can easily change beneficiaries
A Trust can be a low cost organization to begin a business
Actually, a trust is not always better than a partnership. There are some situations where a partnership, corporation, or an LLC may be expected. For instance, it may be easier to operate a retail store that requires city licenses. Sometimes business documents are presented to partnerships, LLCs, or corporate officers that ask for a business signature. A trust may (or may not) conduct business, and the uninformed may not easily understand or believe a trust can conduct business. Often for instance, bankers will state that an account "must" be a "business account" in order to have an account. Other bankers will often state just the opposite.